Massage/ Prenatal Massage Therapy

The Wellness Group is one of the only OB/Gyn practices in Lake or Cook County to offer Swedish, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point and Prenatal massage as a complement to its traditional offerings. For pregnant women, prenatal massage is a fantastic way to eliminate the normal aches, pains and stresses of pregnancy. And for all people, massage therapy can be a powerful tool to help promote health and wellness.

At The Wellness Group, we offer the services of a licensed massage therapist who is certified in medical massage. And because our goal is to make massage available to everyone, our pricing is deeply discounted to patients of the practice. Additionally, all pregnant patients of The Wellness Group receive one free prenatal massage.

Request an Appointment for a Massage

Why Does Massage Feel Good?

Researchers have a pretty good idea about why massage makes us feel good. In various trials, massage has:

  • Stimulated the release of hormones that reduce anxiety, stress, and pain.
  • Lowered levels of stress hormones (norepinephrine, epinephrine, and cortisol), which reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure, slow breathing, and relax muscles.
  • Increased levels of oxytocin, which is a hormone that increases social bonding and behaviors like trustworthiness, generosity, and empathy.
  • Reduced activation of pain receptors in the spinal cord and muscles.
  • Blocked the production of inflammatory cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukin-6, and HSP-27), which stops swelling and inflammation of muscle tissue.
  • Increased blood flow to muscles, connective tissue, and the lymph nodes.

9 Amazing Benefits of Massage Therapy

  • Lower stress
  • Improved Circulation
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Posture
  • Relieves Headaches
  • Improves Flexibility
  • Improve Sleep
  • Reduces Anxiety, Depression, and Fatigue
  • Chronic Pain Relief